Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hi everyone, I’m going to talk about my blogging experience. I like writing in blogs but I’m not very experienced in this topic. I like the way that you can tune up your blog layout but I can’t did it in my blog… but I have always like my classmate’s blogs, they were really nice and cute. I’ve really lost some time with the fishes in the teacher’s blog

Also I like the label system ( I recently discovered it) that you can organize your post in different topics and also by pictures.

Sometimes I get confused with the names of the blogs that I follow because with the blog title you cannot identify the writer (if they were classmates or someone unknown).

The blog really improved my English because I wrote about typical things in my life and I wrote also about important people, so It make my English better. And I like that you can comment the things that other people wrote.

I didn’t like the short time that we had to write in our blogs, sometime I’ve got really inspired and the time killed my inspiration to write about interesting things. And the break time was short and in that time I’ve got really hungry so I couldn’t get earlier so it make me arrive later to the English lab. It was difficult to write when it was free topics because I’ve spend many time thinking on what I was going to write and at the end I didn’t write too much.

And the computers were slow and sometimes the internet connection were down, so we couldn’t work in our blogs. But the online translators helped me winning time when I didn’t know a word

That’s what I think about blogging.

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