2010 has been an important year marked by numerous things:
The first one, the celebration of a fake bicentennial, because it’s not two hundred years of Independence it’s just a loyalty act to the King; an earthquake that erased all the good summer memories, a trip to southafrica that was not much tan a short trip and a disgrace that became a public media joke with the thirty three miners in the third region.
The celebration of the bicentennial year has been marked by huge celebrations that account for an attempt to make invisible latent conflicts in our society made by a mediatic instrument (in which all oficial media are part of) that tried to create an artifficial nacional feeling, necessarily joining groups that are constantly faced, as employers and employees, workers, peasants, young and old. especially people with opposing political tendencies.
For this they have transformed the meaning of every moment of this year:
The earthquake has been saw than an opportunity to grow, like a test that only grows with the feeling of sadness and a “teletón”. The trip to the football world cup it’s considered like the result of a genius whose work is closely consistent with the triumph. And in the case of the miners were celebrating the win of living and perseverance as a unique condition of Chileans.
However the way that the president termed the Chilean way (doing things right) is just hiding the dirt under the carpet. Actually the way they have treated these events shows a “Shilian Güei”
In the case of the earthquake there is an aberrant centrism of the power which means that the inequalities are reproduced between centers and peripheries, for example the more distant localities are suffering now the consequences of this catastrophe.
In football the constant work has been accompanied by large sums of money, which seem unattainable for most Chileans. Reproducing the myth of express overcoming, “from being a child in the suburbian to be a mogul with luxury cars”. The idea is that Chileans identify with this figure, believing that there are no radical differences between these social groups.
Finally the case of the miners has been disguised as a triumph for the nation and no differences have been considered of the scandalous labor legislation. Is more important to know details of the private lives of the miners that their working conditions. The goal is that any Chilean identify with them, feel sorry for them and therefore feel gratified by the action of government.
To conclude the Chilean Bicentennial in 2010 is a "Chile" that forgets, hides, exclude and decorates. It is an effective non-existent nation-building with deep fractures that remain. Nothing that a light show at the government house can not solve. Well, “The Shilian Güei”.